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Should I start on hydroxurea?

I am 49 years old. I have been having more crisis than before and the doctors believe this is influenced by menopause.

Before now, my crisis were not frequent & could be just twice a year but these days, little fatigue & I'm down with crisis.

I have had 2 blood transafusions in my life...first was when i gave birth through CS 7 years ago & the other was when I had the hip replacement surgery in 2021.

The doctors feel I would benefit from the use of hydroxurea but I am skeptical & afraid. I am reading a lot about the drug...just basically scared with not knowing what to expect.

I need help in making the right decision 😩


  1. Hi, although we can't give medical advice, thank you so much for commenting. Recently, there was a video shared on the Sickle Cell Reproductive Health Education Directive's YouTube Channel that had a panel of female Sickle Cell Warriors discussing Menopause. It was very insightful. You can check it out here: - Elle, moderator.

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